My name is Michaud Jean Chrislot. I am from Haiti and the founder of Sharing Blessings to Others. I spent my entire childhood in Haiti. Going to school was a struggle for me and my four siblings. My parents did odd jobs to make ends meet and support their family, but my mother would not let our poverty or my stature as a dwarf stand in the way of my schooling, which requires tuition at even the elementary level. There were times when I had to reuse old notebooks, be sent home for not paying tuition, or not having a uniform to wear.
In Haiti, speaking English is a profession that opens up job opportunities. My goal was to become better at English so that I would be able to find a job. In 2010 there was an earthquake that killed 220,000 people and took the lives of some of my friends and neighbors. The disaster opened job opportunities for me and those who spoke foreign languages such as English and Spanish.
While working as an interpreter for Samaritan’s Purse, I met Chico resident Debi Moore. She was on a mission trip assisting in the post-earthquake cholera outbreak. Because my dedication to learning and improving other people's lives, we formed an instant bond. The Moore family soon decided I could secure a better education in the United States because they discovered a great international program, right next to their home. I am very grateful for all the opportunities that I have. I have access to many things I was not used to, like clean water, electricity, better education, and jobs. I’m so grateful for all of the amenities that my host family shared. Now I yearn to provide the children of Haiti with the same basic necessities: water, school supplies, and educational opportunities.
Sharing Blessings To Others is a religious non-profit, that started as a proposal to help children in Hatti. It turned into reality with the help of my host parents, friends, colleagues, professors, and the family of Chico Community Church. The nonprofit's name is inspired by the Bible verses 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
The mission of Sharing Blessings to Others (S.B.O) is ultimately to share God's blessings with others through education, especially with children who are not financialy fortunate, bringing empowerment to communities. The organization started in 2017 and obtained official non-profit status on May 8, 2020. SBO generates revenue from donations and fundraising through reselling handcrafted necklaces, bracelets, purses, and clothing.
SBO supports children through different programs such as summer camp activities, school supply distribution (backpacks, pencils, pens, notebooks), and financially by paying tuition for them. We put on the summer camp a few weeks before school starts while giving kids school supplys to prepare them for the rigors of the classroom. The children engage in Bible study and activities, such as drawing, dancing, learning new languages, or accessing computer training.